The elder was surprised and angry, and the holy one was silent. Obviously, he was extremely shocked and frightened by the defeat of the two elders.

Baiyun Piao looked at the field in a serious tone and said, "Liu Yunyang’s strength seems to have made great progress compared with the previous one." Long Tianxiao said, "He’s playing tricks. If he doesn’t have a magic weapon, he’s definitely no match for the Second Elder!" The second elder in the field has been […]

"Sometimes we don’t need positive strength to reach a certain level. If we don’t confront it head-on, we will compete to a certain extent. For example, with the help of Shushan Sword School, Bibo Haitian and our own strength, and with the help of Du Jie soaring, we can have a conversation with them. Of course, we need to do this kind of thing. I will give you an example to achieve this level. This is our goal in the first stage, and the first stage is to really weaken them."

Wentao smiled faintly. "Your boss still knows that although he killed some of them, a sect of tens of thousands of years will never shake its foundation because we killed these people. Don’t say that you can see that the Qingcheng Sect is very strong with the Jiugong Mountain clan in tian hu, Kyubi no […]

In that case …

Baishi suddenly thought, "What if the mask is opened first and then the weight standard is gradually filled?" Can it be made into a normal human body by dividing it into several sections’ by appearance’ and not exceeding 46 kilograms each time? " Q assistant sat on the screen and listened for a while, then […]

Chapter 1 Tenants

Next, the most popular career posts are not gunner or captain, but lookout and boatswain. It is acknowledged that gunner and captain are indispensable occupations of the team, but if personal interests are taken into consideration, lookout and boatswain are the most suitable occupations for everyone to choose. The most important reason why gunner is […]

Only after Yao Mountain soldiers destroyed blade master’s dead body, they rushed to the four necromancers. When we saw it, we all jumped without arousing suspicion. At this time, all four necromancers were panting. Obviously, these cruel magic circles took a great part of their physical strength. When they saw us coming, they scolded, "Why didn’t he give instructions?" !”

The magic statue looked at the edge of the sky gloomy should way "hum! This time, I will wear his hand on the charge of losing the soldiers! " At this time, Yao mountain soldiers have surrounded them again. Someone shouted, "You four evil spirits! Don’t die! ?” Then someone immediately said, "Let’s launch a’ […]