Chapter 1 Tenants

Next, the most popular career posts are not gunner or captain, but lookout and boatswain. It is acknowledged that gunner and captain are indispensable occupations of the team, but if personal interests are taken into consideration, lookout and boatswain are the most suitable occupations for everyone to choose. The most important reason why gunner is […]

"Well, what else does it matter to the dead forest?" Xiao Bury obviously doesn’t want this problem to be involved with Shu Mao too much, which will make him sad. Besides, Xiao Bury can see that her situation is not so good. There is her rival in love nearby, which seems to be very strong! That would be cheaper for your enemies.

"Let’s see, there is a smell in the forest of death, but this smell is similar to that of our konoha." "What’s that smell?" "Before konoha, there was a three-forbearance, and you should have seen your sister. When you came, the head wrote an oil word" Uncle Wolf ".Both of them were three-forbearance, and the […]

Seeing that the magic array was destroyed, Lin Yu took advantage of the opportunity to drink a "one drum of gas to take Hongye City to kill all the magic people!"

"Kill all the magic people!" The war was immediately won, and the morale of the whole team was greatly encouraged and shouted loudly. Lin Yu first rushed to the front of the team, and the whole army quickly followed him in the direction of Hongye City Wall. Chapter 3 Siege. "The inferno Sirius magic star […]

"Ha ha, how can Xiaoling’s lovely uncle abandon you? Uncle has promised to take you back to the mainland. How can you keep your word? Uncle has brought you a little friend. You play with him …" Brother Gan said, holding Hu Xiaoling, he came to Ah Kin’s side of the train, smiled and touched Ah Kin’s head and said, "Little guy plays with your sister Xiaoling …"

Ah Kin is obviously a little shy, but she still pretends to be a grownup in front of the girl. She sharply grabs Hu Xiaoling’s hand and limps Xiaoling to go there to play, while Ah Kin’s wife smiles and exhorts, "Have fun with your sister and don’t bully her …" Brother Gan watched the […]

They hold a ceremony called "Prayer Ceremony" every two days and nights, which is different from the one Lin saw before. This ceremony is relatively simple, mainly because they get together and read some strange words …

Lin found that the language they read can be called’ ancient white skeleton dragon language’, that is, they made the language’ ancient white skeleton dragon language’ quite different after many generations of changes, but you can still hear some meanings in it after careful listening. When the spy first came here, he saw them holding […]